Indonesia missing plane crashes into the sea investigators found two bags

Indonesia’s missing plane crashes into the sea investigators found two bags what are they? Knowing this will also make your eyes water

Jakarta (10bmnews Latest News) An Indonesian private airliner disappeared from radar just four minutes after takeoff yesterday and crashed into the sea killing 62 people on board. Authorities say they have found the site of the crash.

The Sri Vijaya Air Boeing 737 had 62 passengers on board. The plane took off from Jakarta International Airport for Pontianak on Saturday afternoon but lost contact with the control tower just four minutes later. Indo-Norwegian officials say they have identified the crash site and more than 10 boats have been dispatched with naval divers.

A Jakarta police spokesman said that during the search and rescue operation, two bags were found from the sea, one containing passengers’ luggage and the other containing body parts which were being identified. That they are part of the wreckage of the wreck.

The rescue operation was halted last night and was resumed in the morning. Four more planes have been deployed to search for the unfortunate passenger plane. It is worth mentioning here that it is generally west of Jakarta to Borneo Island. The flight to Puneetank is 90 minutes long, but an investigation has revealed that the pilot did not send an emergency signal.

According to the flight-tracking website Flight Radar 24, the plane is believed to have descended 3,000 meters (10,000 feet) in less than a minute. Eyewitnesses said they detonated at least one bomb. Seen and heard

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