Vaping more dangerous than smoking: Medical research

Liquid smoking makes people suffer from heart disease and obesity, harmful to physical organs

Lahore – A study was conducted for the first time at the British Manchester Metropolitan University under the guidance of Dr. Maxime Boidin to find out the long-term effects of vaping, which made a frightening revelation that vaping is more dangerous than smoking.

This liquid smoking makes people suffer from heart disease and obesity and damages physical organs.

According to Dr. Maxime, the reason is that after smoking a cigarette or two, a person usually stops, but the vaper continuously inhales, he does not know how much nicotine he has taken into the body, so the excess of nicotine causes him to suffer from various harmful diseases.

After this revolutionary research, there is a demand in the UK and European countries that vaping should be declared as dangerous as smoking. Pakistani youth who vape should also refrain from it after new medical research

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