LAHORE: On the Private Members Day in Punjab Assembly on Tuesday, a resolution calling for the setting up of a body named Punjab Council quite similar to Senate was passed by the Punjab Assembly.
The resolution which was jointly moved by a number of ruling party MPAs as well as PPP Parliamentary leader Syed Ali Haider Gilani submitted that Punjab is the most populated province of Pakistan with a population even more than several nations of the world. To cater the issues related to the highly populated province, a two tier system in Punjab (like National Assembly and Senate exist in Centre) has been suggested in the resolution whose key movers also included PMLN MPAs including Amjad Ali Javaid, Arif Gill, Rao Kashif Raheem Khan, Sami Ullah Khan and other.
The resolution called for setting up of the Punjab Council in the province and recommended that its members be elected or nominated. The resolution was passed by the House with majority vote but at the same time also gave rise to several new questions such as whether the PMLN government would seriously go for any such constitutional amendment in this regard or like the South Punjab and Bahawalpur province related resolutions, the matter would remain pending and subject to the required numbers.
Meanwhile, the Punjab Assembly speaker as well as MPAs vehemently condemned the terrorist incident in Balochistan and supported Pakistan Army for combating against Khwarijs.
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