Beloved at your feet

Beloved at your feet

Islamabad - For one-sided lovers around the world, this phrase has the status of alchemy. In an effort to achieve the loss, people camp at the abodes of fake perpetrators and some try hard to make their beloved fall under their feet through black magic, although the place of the beloved should be on the head and eyes.

The most incurable disease in the world is love. Love is not done but happens automatically. According to Ghalib:

There is no emphasis on love, it is that fire that prevails

That it should not be planted and extinguished

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Sometimes, one-sided love or failure in love makes a person depressed. The illiterate and superstitious people of many developed countries fall prey to the manipulations of so-called fake healers and priests in order to find their beloved and get rid of their separation anxiety.

Black magic is a part of every culture, no matter what religion or culture you belong to. Black magic experts have set up their shops everywhere including China, the UK, Paris, India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. In Hong Kong, they are known as Villain Hitters.

In Pakistan, most of the walls and poles are full of advertisements of agents.

Seeing this, the educated class is shocked as if we have entered the age of Samaritan magicians. Such advertisements are placed under the bridges of many big cities like Karachi, Hyderabad, Gujranwala, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, Multan, and Sahiwal. Now the question arises whether there are really such perpetrators in the cities who turn hatred into love and love into hatred on the strength of their actions and Jantar Mantra.

Closure of business is a trivial game to them and divorces are theirs, who, at the sting of the sting, claim to be the masters of Kali Shaktis like the Screaming Magic of Bengal, the Master of the Black Magic, everywhere. Happiness is happiness, everything is guaranteed, with just one night operation, all your problems will be solved, for example, hindrances in foreign travel, bringing your husband on the right path, getting rid of dowry, subjugating mother-in-law, the marriage of choice, beloved. Agonizing like a fish, childless, conquering the enemy.

Our knowledge affects every corner of the world where no one knows. Your crying loved one will immediately message or call you with our knowledge, etc.

The truth is that black magic has gripped our society like an octopus. Some weak-minded people fall into their hands easily. They are so impressed by their tricks that they don't spare a minute to pass by all the evil targets for the purpose of sacrifice.

Some superstitious women, fed up with the taunts of their in-laws, go to the perpetrators and are often subjected to sexual harassment and even exploitation. On social media, Shahr Qasor's hypocrite baba, who used to kick boys with hatred and bathe girls in Johar with great pleasure, was thoroughly slandered. 

In order to prove themselves, many fake pirs write amulets of arsenic, blue phlegm, and poisonous herbs, which, when administered to the concerned person, dissolve in water and cause instant death.

In this case, both the writer of Taweez and the one who compensates him are punishable. In this group of hypocrites, there is a government with toffees, and there is a government with brides.

Nowadays, there is a ridiculous discussion of the "spiritual digital current" actors on social media. All the people mock him, they don't understand, so who encourages this temptation? Undoubtedly, such people have nothing to do with spiritual grace.

We are living in the 21st century. It is a matter of wonder why they still go to the asanas of fake pirs, and babs. The bitter truth is that people with beliefs like omens promote their business by welcoming these fake practitioners. It seems that the taweez written on the slip is more potent than the doctor's prescription. The demand for these favors is so great that the fake magicians have bought expensive cars, houses, and bungalows and have twenty servants under their command.

As if a royal figure.

The important thing is that the beloved is not at the feet but at the head and eyes. It is beyond understanding that what you are longing for, yearning for, and asking for in prayers day and night, when you find it, it should be placed at your feet. If the loved one is unattainable, success can be achieved by believing in continuous effort instead of by the help of gangsters.

There may be a shoe on your feet but not on the beloved's feet, but even sitting next to you, he will be far away from you, so if you want to find the beloved, win his heart.

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