An Indian laborer found something so valuable while digging in a mine that it changed his life

An Indian laborer found something so valuable while digging in a mine that it changed his life

Madhya Pradesh - An Indian laborer's fortune changed overnight when a large diamond was found in the mine.

According to the British Broadcasting Corporation, the official auction of the 19.22-carat diamond is expected to fetch more than two crore Pakistani rupees. Raju will receive compensation after deducting government royalties and taxes.

Lucky laborer Raju said that he had been leasing mines in the city of 'Panna' for more than 10 years in the hope of finding diamonds.
Panna is famous for its diamond deposits where people often lease cheap mines from the government to search for precious stones.

The Federal Government's National Mineral Development Corporation operates a diamond mining project in Panna. A state government official said these mines are leased for a fixed period for around Rs 200-250. Whoever finds a diamond has to hand it over to the government office, which auctions it after testing. Is. In 2018, a laborer in Bundelkhand found a diamond worth Rs 15 million from a mine in Panna, but such finds are rare.

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Raju said his family leases the quarries mostly during the monsoon season when agricultural and masonry work stops. We are very poor and have no other source of income, so we do this in the hope of earning some money. It is a tough job,” said Raju. We dig a pit, scoop out bits of soil and rock, wash them in a sieve, and then carefully sift through thousands of dry pebbles to look for diamonds.

That afternoon all my hard work paid off and my luck changed, I was sifting through the rocks when I saw something resembling a piece of glass. I held it up to my eyes and saw a faint glow." That's when I knew I had found a diamond.

Raju hopes to use this money to build a better house for his family and spend it on his children's education, but he wants to pay off his debt of five lakh rupees first. is fearless of finding out about the diamond as he plans to divide the money among the 19 relatives who live with him.

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