The policy of 'pleasing' TTP has been abandoned: Bilawal Bhutto

The foreign minister said during an interview that the previous government's policy of appeasing the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan has fallen on Pakistan's throat, but the new coalition government and the new military leadership have completely abandoned this policy.

The policy of 'pleasing' TTP has been abandoned Bilawal Bhutto

Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has criticized the former Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf government and said that the previous government's policy of appeasing the outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has fallen on Pakistan's throat, but the new coalition government and the new military The leadership has completely abandoned this policy.

Bilawal Bhutto, while giving an interview to the American broadcaster CNBC on Sunday, said that Pakistan had established peace in the country by fighting 'terrorism' in the past years, but 'unfortunately after the fall of Kabul, our previous government Decided to negotiate with terrorist groups without any conditions, such as surrendering, refraining from extremism or respecting the Pakistani constitution, which we call a policy of appeasement (to the Pakistani Taliban).

According to Bilawal: This policy has now fallen on our throats.

The foreign minister said: The good thing is that the position of the new coalition government and the new military leadership is clear in this regard, the National Security Committee has met in our country and we have stopped the appeasement policy." We are confident that we will be able to counter the terrorists operating in Pakistan, however, I believe that until the threat of terrorism from Afghanistan is dealt with, we will remain in a phase of the heightened terror threat. '

Bilawal further said: 'On the other hand (after the US withdrawal) there (in Afghanistan) many groups have got space to work. He further said that the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is insecure and the Afghan government does not have the capacity to monitor the border.

When Bilawal Bhutto was asked about America's withdrawal policy from Afghanistan, did he think that America's policy was wrong? So he replied: 'To do so would be like crossing the line. Now that has happened and we have to deal with the current situation the facts on the ground are that Tehreek-e-Taliban Afghanistan is now in power in Afghanistan.

We want to see the intention of them (Afghan Taliban) to deal with terrorism they themselves are facing the threat of terrorism in the form of Daesh and going forward they can develop the ability to fight these groups. can take action against

Regarding Pakistan's Defense Minister Khawaja Asif's recent statement about Pakistan's bankruptcy, Bilawal said: 'I think my Defense Minister was speaking in a political context in a political meeting. He was referring to the difficult economic conditions we are going through now. He was not talking about technicalities.

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, when asked about 30% of Pakistan's total debt owed to China, said that Pakistan owes debts to many countries and many financial institutions, and yes, China is included in these countries, but I have no doubts about Pakistan's ability to default on financial obligations

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