America managed to avert the UN diplomatic crisis over Israeli settlements

In order to avoid a vote on the draft resolution and a possible US veto, the administration managed to convince both Israel and the Palestinians to agree in principle to a six-month moratorium on any unilateral action, diplomats said. do

America managed to avert the UN diplomatic crisis over Israeli settlements

The Biden administration has avoided a potential diplomatic crisis at the United Nations over Israel's Jewish settlements, which threatened to backfire on Western efforts this week to mark one year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

According to the Associated Press (AP) news agency, several diplomats familiar with the situation said on Sunday that the United States is blocking a controversial resolution presented by the Palestinians and their supporters in the United Nations Security Council. has been successful, condemning Israel for settlement expansion and calling for a halt to future activity.

In order to avoid a vote on the draft resolution and a possible US veto, the administration managed to convince both Israel and the Palestinians to agree in principle to a six-month moratorium on any unilateral action, diplomats said. do

According to diplomats, this would mean Israel to sign an agreement not to expand settlements until at least August this year.

On the other hand, according to diplomats, for Palestine, it means an agreement not to take action against Israel in the United Nations and other international bodies such as the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, and the United Nations Human Rights Council until August.

Instead of a resolution, diplomats said, the Security Council is likely to adopt a presidential statement on the lines of the resolution on Monday. Presidential statements, which require the support of all 15 council countries, become part of the council's record but are not legally binding.

The diplomats spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the highly sensitive negotiations. With the 2024 US presidential election approaching, vetoing the settlement resolution could have been a political headache for President Joe Biden.

Biden has been trying to balance his opposition to Israeli settlements with his support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, he has taken steps to improve relations with the Palestinians, whom he calls Progressives, and has a lot of support

America managed to avert the UN diplomatic crisis over Israeli settlements

Although the administration has already condemned Israel's settlement expansion and called the Palestinian resolution "futile," top Republicans in Congress have warned Biden that a veto would undermine his legislative agenda. But there will be serious consequences.

Because the West wants Ukraine's support in its war with Russia, a veto could also alienate pro-Palestinian UN member states, such as the United Arab Emirates, which sponsored the resolution in the Security Council.

The United States is looking to the United Arab Emirates and other countries sympathetic to the Palestinians to vote in favor of a resolution in the 193-member General Assembly on Thursday that would condemn Russia for attacking Ukraine and call for a cease-fire and An immediate withdrawal of all Russian forces will be demanded.

The deal was reached on Sunday after days of talks between top Biden administration officials and Palestinian, Israeli, and United Arab Emirates leaders.

Diplomats say they include Secretary of State Anthony Blanken, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas Greenfield, National Security Adviser Jack Sullivan, Sullivan's deputy Brett McGurk, Middle East High Commissioner Barbara Leaf, and Palestinian Affairs. Special Envoy Hadi Amar's efforts are included.

Palestinian pressure for a resolution came as Israel's new right-wing government reiterated its commitment to building new settlements in the West Bank and expanding its authority over the land.

Israel captured East Jerusalem and the West Bank along with the Gaza Strip in the 1967 Middle East war.

The United Nations and most of the international community condemn Israeli settlements as illegal and an obstacle to ending the decades-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict. About seven million Israeli settlers live in the West Bank and Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem.

In December 2016, the Security Council called on Israel to immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. The statement emphasized that halting settlement activities are essential to a two-state solution.

The resolution was passed after the administration of former US President Barack Obama abstained from the vote, which is contrary to the long-standing US tradition of shielding its close ally Israel from the action at the UN. This tradition also includes vetoing Arab-backed resolutions

Nevertheless, the war in Ukraine is in full swing. On Wednesday, Ukraine is holding a meeting focusing on human rights violations, prisoners, and abducted children.

Ahead of Thursday's vote at the UN General Assembly, which begins Wednesday afternoon, there will be dozens of speakers, including more than 20 ministers. There is also a possibility of merit. 

On Friday, the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Security Council will hold a ministerial meeting on the invasion and its effects.

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