Sher Shah a branch of a private bank destroyed by the blast has been in existence for 70 years

A branch of a private bank that was destroyed in a blast in a drain in the Sher Shah area of ​​Karachi has been located at the same place for more than 70 years which was destroyed a few days before the relocation.

A senior journalist told Jang that he was living in Sher Shah as a student when he used to go to the bank in 1957 to collect utility bills and taxes. I have been visiting the branch since 1951

He said that at that time this branch of the bank was very small which was being expanded with the passage of time and now like other buildings a large part of this branch was also set up on the drain. About seventy years after its establishment, this Sher Shah branch of Habib Bank was about to be relocated

The representative also visited the new branch of a private bank on Jinnah Road in Sher Shah which is fully ready for cutting.

Bank sources said that the renovation work of the new Sher Shah branch of the bank has been completed and as soon as the work of the network was completed, the branch was to be shifted in the next few days. Will be moved to a new location before

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