A nation that loses the distinction between good and evil and acknowledges evil is doomed to moral death. Imran Khan

The basis of the Prophet’s revolution was morality to appreciate the good and condemn the good. My fight is not against any family but against corruption.

ISLAMABAD – Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that when a civilization develops, its role models become intellectuals as they lead the nation to their Qibla. Addressing the ceremony of  Aiwan-e-Aizaz at the Academy of Literature Pakistan, Imran Khan said that when the golden age of Muslims began, intellectuals like Al-Biruni and Ibn Batuta had a great place and wherever they went in the world Was highly valued.

He said that when a civilization develops, its role models become intellectuals because they guide the nation and correct its qiblah and when scholars go astray, civilizations decline. He said that if intellectuals give the right guidance, civilizations will not decline but scholars will also go astray. He said that intellectuals protect the ideology of the nation, Allama Iqbal’s impact on Muslims all over the world was unparalleled and Imran Khan said that people in our country do not know the history of Islam, people remember wars but people do not know that such a great revolution in the history of the world is the cause of wars. There is no precedent for this revolution.

He said that during the 10 years from 622 to 632 AH in the time of the Holy Prophet, only 1400 people had died in wars in which 600 Muslims had been martyred and had spread over one hundred and fifty square miles. Had, people’s roles had changed. He said that it is very important to tell our young generation about this intellectual revolution of Islam as they are now facing the onslaught of media and social media, never before in human history with children and youth and their Has mostly informative and positive content but also encounters other content that children have not encountered in human history.

He said that the biggest crisis for us is that our morality has fallen very badly. And if she acknowledges evil, she dies. If we have to keep the youth on the right track, then the responsibility now falls on the intellectuals as well as the film and TV producers. We cannot shut down the media because social media is a reality,” he said. I complain that if there is a video on YouTube or Tik Tak, we block it by telling PTA, then another content comes out the next day, we can’t stop it but we can train our children. How to deal with such content.

The biggest crisis for us is that our morale has plummeted he said. We have two kinds of challenges, one of which is that we have recognized corruption.” You don’t shake hands with the Leader of the Opposition. There are cases worth billions of rupees and if I shake hands with him, I send a message to society that corruption is not a bad thing.

The Prime Minister said that he fights against corruption, he has no personal fight with anyone, money does not flow in the West, people are sold here in the Senate, our morale has dropped badly due to corruption. Imran Khan said that everyone tells him why you are behind two families, why don’t you shake hands with the opposition leader? So I want to tell them that I had a friendship with them in the past but I did not shake hands with them because there are cases of corruption against them. Shaking hands with a corrupt man means acknowledging corruption, the Prime Minister said. There is a war, those who are corrupting billions of rupees in Pakistan make speeches in the assembly

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