Relations with the United States must move forward in practice, using the country’s strategic importance and diplomacy to accelerate relations with the United States. Former Chief of Air Staff Retired Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman
ISLAMABAD – Former Chief of Air Staff (COAS) has said that relations with the United States should be taken forward. Former Chief of Air Staff Retired Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman has demanded that relations with the United States be put forward in practice, according to a report in the Jang newspaper. He said that despite the growing cooperation between India and the United States, there is a constructive space for Pakistan that can be used for the benefit of Pakistan.
The former CAS urged Pakistani leaders to use the country’s strategic importance and diplomacy to enhance relations with the United States.
On the other hand, Moeed Yousuf, National Security Adviser to Prime Minister Imran Khan, said that the United States and Pakistan were engaged in positive talks to resolve the mistrust in bilateral relations. According to the national newspaper Dawn News, two days ago, US Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Cahill had told the Senate panel that Pakistan is not a safe haven for Afghan soil, not only against itself but also against other countries. Want to see
“Pakistan continues to give us access to its airspace and we are in talks with them to keep that access open,” he said. According to the report, in an interview with Voice of America (VOA) Radio, National Security Adviser Moeed Yousaf did not agree with the opinion that the United States and Pakistan are on the verge of a confrontation and from here their relations could deteriorate further.