Excessive sweating is a sign of which disease?

Excessive sweating is a sign of which disease?

Sweating is a natural process that keeps the body cool and reduces the feeling of heat to some extent.

Some people sweat a lot, men sweat more than women.

Excessive Sweating can also be a sign of various diseases

Heart attack

If you suddenly start sweating a lot this is the first sign of a heart attack. If you suspect a heart attack see a doctor as soon as possible. Even if you feel chest pain with excessive sweating, it can be a sign of serious heart disease.

Bacterial or viral infections

If you sweat a lot and have a fever it could be a sign of malaria or TB

Experts say that fever is the result of a change in body temperature during which the brain automatically raises the body temperature a bit so that the body can fully resist the infection.

Mental stress

Stress or anxiety in general terms causes excessive sweating stress and anxiety not only have a negative effect on the body but also gives warnings in the form of sweating.

Thai ride problem

If the thyroid gland becomes too active and produces too much thyroid hormone it can cause a number of symptoms in the body such as nervousness or mental confusion but Excessive sweating is also a sign that a doctor should be consulted now

Low blood sugar level

Excessive sweating lowers blood sugar levels. Sweating occurs even when the weather is not too hot with low blood sugar levels leading to symptoms such as extreme hunger anxiety dizziness and vision problems.

Medication side effects

Excessive sweating may also be the result of medication use a common side effect of various medications such as antibiotics blood pressure medications etc.


Obesity is spreading like an epidemic all over the world during which body fat increases too much genes inactivity, poor diet, certain medications and lack of sleep, etc. all lead to obesity and other diseases. Increase the risk of

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