Why the call to prayer the unfortunate man killed the muezzin

The morning call to prayer disturbed my sleep, so I killed the muezzin, the accused confessed to the crime

Sana’a (10bmnews Latest News) Misfortune can befall anyone and anywhere else. A pious person was stabbed to death. However, the call to prayer is a beautiful thing that brings peace to people all over the world and it calls Muslims to the house of God.

Early in the morning, when someone is asleep, a voice is heard in his ear saying, Get up and prostrate before your Lord. Give thanks to Allah so that He may provide you with more sustenance. Besides, there are some unfortunates who do not have good ideas in terms of adhan. An incident took place in Yemen which raised the eyebrows of all Muslims.

In Yemen, an unfortunate man stabbed an 80-year-old muezzin to death with a sharp knife at a loud call to prayer. According to the World News Agency, a 30-year-old satanic man in the western province of Taiz, Yemen The outgoing muezzin attacked Sheikh Mohib Shamsan with a sharp knife. 

The brutal man hit the muezzin on the head with a large stone and put him to death forever. When the killer resisted instead of arresting him, the police stopped him. But the shooter overpowered the accused.

The killer has been shifted to a hospital for medical treatment after which further investigation will be launched. In the initial statement, the accused said that he was annoyed by the loud sound of Fajr’s call which disturbed his sleep. 

The slain muezzin Sheikh Mohib Shamsan also performed the duties of the Imam of the mosque in the same mosque.

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