Pictures of an Indian farmer strangling his neck with a shoe went viral
A group of locals attacked protesting farmers at the Delhi-Sangha border with sticks yesterday.
New Delhi (10bmnews Latest News) Clashes between farmers and anti-farmer groups in India and the police torture of protesters during the torture of a man by pressing the mouth under the shoes of a police officer Punjabi George Floyd went viral. Farmers protesting at Delhi’s Sangha border were attacked by a group of locals with sticks yesterday.
The assailants chanted slogans against the peasant protesters and tore down their tents, with a picture of a policeman pressing his face under his shoes and torturing a man. clashes went viral on social media Began to liken the black George Floyd to violence. The farmers ‘protesters have accused the police and local politicians of inciting the people against the farmers’ protests. Indian farmers have been protesting against the Modi government’s controversial agricultural laws for months.