Mahatma Gandhi's spectacles and monkeys Episode 2

Written by Saleem Khan Gandhiji’s spectacles 

They were shocked at our question and said you don’t know the checkpoint Hey think of a table without a chair behind it

Well does man stand behind it and work

Oh no I mean sit on the ground. Gandhiji was a man of the land so he used to sit on the ground and do all his work.

It is as if Gandhiji had no interest in the chair like today’s politicians

No he was a selfless Mahatma

But you were telling them about monkeys Are they still alive? How old are they We asked

Mahatma Gandhi’s spectacles and monkeys. Click here to read episode 1

On hearing this, the eccentric Lal Agrawal became angry. He said, You seem to be ignorant and blunt. Those monkeys were never alive, they were statues that do not live or die so they still exist.

Well, they will reveal the secret of the theft of the stone idol spring

Alas, they will not speak monkeys and even if they do how can we understand their language

Then who will answer this question

I will give

And what will those monkeys do

They! They will not do anything. I will answer with their help

Well you will answer by asking them but now you have said that you do not understand their language

He took out the statue of the three monkeys from the drawer of his desk. There was a lot of dust. He cleaned it and asked Tell me what it is.

This! These are the three monkeys you were just talking about

Well what are you doing

This was a difficult question. We said they were not doing anything. If they were real monkeys they would do something. What can these lifeless monkeys do

In fact, you only use your eyes to see, you do not use your brain to think, that is why you are giving this answer.

I was angry with him. I said Sir my job is to ask questions and it is your responsibility to answer. You’ve been confusing me for the last half hour instead of answering a simple question.

You are a very hasty and impatient person. The thinker said anxiously. This whole nation has been entangled in this maze for the last half century and is satisfied while you became restless in just half an hour.

I said sir before I join these monkeys answer my question, otherwise it will be four instead of three.

(to be continued )

This article by Saleem Khan is taken from the website of Kitabeen Urdu Library. Readers can also read it there.

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