264 new cases of Corona in the country in 24 hours 4 deaths recorded

264 new cases of Corona in the country in 24 hours 4 deaths recorded
264 new cases of Corona in the country in 24 hours 4 deaths recorded

Islamabad (10bmnews) 264 new cases of Corona in the country in 24 hours 4 deaths recorded

In 24 hours, 264 new cases of Corona were reported and 4 deaths were

reported across the country.

According to the NCOC, there have been four deaths from corona in the

last 24 hours in the country, bringing the total number of deaths from

corona across the country to 6,288.

According to the NCOC, 21,434 coronate tests were performed in 24

hours, resulting in 264 new coronate tests and 295,636 coronate tests in

the country.

According to the NCOC, 280,547 people have recovered by defeating

corona, leaving 8,801 active corona cases in the country, 129,268 in Sindh,

96,741 in Punjab, 36017 in KP, 12842 in Balochistan, 15611 in Islamabad,

2274 in Azad Kashmir Reported

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