There were also new instructions on stoning the devil

Precautionary measures are being taken around the world including in Saudi Arabia to reduce the spread of the corona epidemic. As the Hajj approaches important steps are being taken by the Saudi government.
The Saudi government has banned the arrival of foreign pilgrims this year but a large number of people will be able to perform the Hajj in Saudi Arabia. However the Saudi government has taken all possible measures to protect them.
While the Saudi government has issued instructions not to touch the Kaaba not to kiss the black stone, to bring a place of worship from home to cover the face and to bring social distance, it has also issued instructions regarding pebbles to kill the devil. Of
Private TV Geo News quoted Saudi officials as saying that this time pebbles would be provided for throwing stones at the Hajj. According to Hum News it has been decided that a group of 50 people will be allowed to go to each destination for rummy.
When throwing a distance of one and a half to two meters has been declared necessary. No tent will be allowed to accommodate more than 10 pilgrims and each tent will be 50 square meters.
In addition the Saudi government has instructed the cleaning of elevators personal hygiene residential buildings hotels buses bus waiting areas door handles tables chairs and sofas to ensure the safety of pilgrims. To ensure that

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